Life is as transient as dew on the grass
– Zen Master Dogen
Dew on the Grass is the coming together of four Dharma friends who wish to express their lives as Buddhists through their writing, photography, art and other projects
– Zen Master Dogen
There are many different kinds of love – romantic, physical, spiritual, universal – each kind prompting a connection with something both inside and outside of ourselves. But love can also be ‘tricky’, requiring a certain groundedness and insight, as Chris Yeomans explores in her piece, Love is Universal Migraine “Love is universal migraine, A bright …
Continue reading “Love is Universal Migraine ~ by Chris Yeomans”
In part 2 of Anna Alyssa’s article On Acceptance: How do I accept World War 3?, she continues her investigation into how to transition from resistance to acceptance in the face of the state of the world. This week she looks at the role that imagination and fear play in the arising of resistance. Imagination …
Continue reading “On Acceptance : How do I accept World War 3? Part 2 ~ by Anna Aysea”
Acceptance of life as it manifests, in all its forms, is a basic tenet of the Buddha’s teaching. However, the word ‘acceptance’ is often misunderstood. In this two part blog, Anna Aysea explores acceptance as an awakening to a more insightful understanding of reality. The radio show I was listening to recently had a guest …
Continue reading “On Acceptance | How do I accept World War 3? Part 1”
Dew on the Grass is the coming together of four Dharma friends who wish to express their lives as Buddhists through their writing, photography, art and other projects. The concept for a website came about when one of us was walking early one morning and noticed the dew glistening on the grasses. It reminded her of the words of Zen Master Dogen who, in 13th century Japan, wrote in his teachings that ‘This body is as transient as dew on the grass’, reminding us of the importance of not wasting our lives.
The nature of dew is that it appears in the morning, glistens for an instant and then disappears. Yet it always raises the spirits when you catch sight of it and it will always appear again. This website, therefore, is both an exploration and celebration of our own lives and an offering to those who happen by to read it. We set out to share, in a variety of media, our experiences and reflections.
If you like what you see, we invite you to use this platform to do likewise. You can do this by leaving a comment or by sharing your writing, photography and art using our contact page and we will publish it on your behalf. For guidance, written contributions should be no longer than 1000 words and reflect your life as a Buddhist. We reserve editorial rights.
We hope you enjoy your visit here.